Engineering Training
Batch No. | Category | Duration | Time | Hours | Eligibility | Training Type | Level | |
1 | Full Time | 2-3 months | 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM | 3 hours / Day | Engineers or Diploma holders | Individual | Beginner to Pro | Apply |
Fresh/ Experienced, Diploma/ Degree Mechanical, Chemical and Production Engineers
Piping Engineering course is one-of-a-kind. This course is structured to raise the level of expertise in piping design and to improve the competitiveness in the global markets. This course provides various piping system designs, development skills and knowledge of current trends of plant layout. The students are given case studies to develop their professional approach

Key Points of Syllabus
- Introduction to SIT including Rules and Regulations, Session on Personality Development.
- Introduction to Oil & Gas Sector including their Plot Plan and various functions and need of engineers
- Introduction to EPC companies and their departments and interfaces and need of engineers
- Introduction to Welding and NDT
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Piping Drawing including Piping Component Drawing, Joints and Isometrics.
- Understanding, Selection and Installation of Piping components for various services including Isometric Drawings
- Understanding, Selection and Installation of Valve for various services including Isometric Drawings
- Understanding, Selection and Installation of Special Part including Isometric Drawings
- Understanding and Installation of Instruments including Isometric Drawings
- Understanding, Selection and Marking of Pipe Supports
- Understanding Process Equipment including their installation and Piping requirement.
- Understanding Utility Equipment including their installation and Piping Requirement.
- Understanding Metallurgy and its use in project including ASTM Standards
- Understanding Piping Components based on their material, Dimensional standards and selection criteria.
- PT Rating and Pipe thickness Calculations using ASME B 31.3
- Reinforcement Pad Calculations and Mitre Bend Calculations using ASME B 31.3
- Understanding and Writing VDS (Valve Data Sheets) for all Valve in Detail which is required for Designing and Construction
- Understanding Special Parts used in Piping for various Purposes including their selection Criteria.
- Understanding and Preparation of Piping Material Specification in detail.
The Course is built on knowledge, skills and insights from the level one Course into production processes and materials involved in problem solving using high-functioning math and advanced critical thinking skills. This training is useful to design basic products, mechanical parts & chemical process equipment design.
This Engineering Design & Drafting Course is an opportunity to apply the academics and develop an understanding of how to develop solution-driven concepts and translate them into a complete set of plans and prototypes.
- To familiarize student primary technique in engineering drafting practices.
- To discover how products are designed and communicated in the real world.
- To help students become better designers of machine parts, plant layouts and related services.
- To use graphic drafting techniques as a tool for communication, visualization, critical thinking & problem solving.
- To prepare students to meet or surpass the performance competency areas and to the address performance Indicators of State Technology Education Standards.
Fresh/ Experienced, Diploma/ Degree Mechanical, Chemical and Production Engineers
Batch No. | Category | Duration | Time | Hours | Training Type | Level | |
1 | Full Time | 2-3 months | 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM | 3 hours / Day | Individual | Beginner to Pro |
- Training on core engineering departments like: Piping, Process, Electrical, Instrumentation, Structural and HVAC
- English Speaking
- Personality Development and communication skill
- Computer aided design – AutoCAD
Piping / Process Drafting
- Deliverables of Piping Department and their use.
- Understand selection of proper fittings, Requirement of fabrication
- Requirement of Code and Standards in Piping
- Preparation of Plot Plan, Preparation of Equipment Layouts
- Preparation of Piping Layouts, Preparation of Pipe Support Layouts Understand
- Preparation of Nozzle Orientation Preparation of Construction Isometrics Understand
- Preparation of As Built Drawings, Preparation of MTO Understand
- Understand writing specification while ordering
- Understand fabrication and installation guidelines
Electrical/ Instrumentation Drafting
- Understanding concept of Electrical Systems Design.
- Understanding preparation of Single Line Diagram
- Understanding Preparation of Bill of Material
- Understanding concept of Instruments.
- Understanding preparation of Hook up Diagram
- Understanding preparation of Bill of Material
- Overview of International Codes and Standards
Civil / Structural Drafting
- Understand Selection of Steel Members, requirement of fabrication
- Requirement of Code and Standards, Preparation / Reading of Plot Plan
- Preparation of Pipe Supporting and Equipment Supporting Structures
- Preparation of Foundation Drawings, Preparation of Pipe Support Drawings
- Preparation of Road, Trenches, Dyke Wall drawings, Preparation of As Built Drawings
- Preparation of MTO, Understand writing specification while ordering
- Understand fabrication and installation guidelines
- Understand the basic design of structures and structural elements
HVAC / Mech. Static Drafting
- Deliverables of HVAC Department and their use.
- Understand requirement of fabrication
- Understand requirement of Code and Standards
- Preparation of Duct Layouts, Preparation of Equipment Layouts
- Preparation of Chilled Water / Cooling Water Piping Layouts
- Preparation of Pipe Support Layouts, Preparation of Construction Isometrics
- Preparation of As Built Drawings, Preparation of MTO
- Writing specification while ordering, understand fabrication and installation guidelines